Why Make Goals?
Let's pretend this post is actually being made on the first of the month. I need an excuse to talk about my knitting goals for this year! I figure this will be a good starting point for the blog.So... goals, goals, goals. I think of my knitting goals to be quite loose. Knitting, for me, is not my number one priority in life (though I wish it could be), and so I won't be too mad at myself if I can't stick to these goals. I will of course do my best to achieve them but life happens sometimes, and this year is turning out to be a pretty productive and busy year for me.
Regardless of my doubt in my ability to reach these goals, I think it is very important to set goals. Setting goals and planning my projects for the year really helps me to be productive. The same goes for anything in life, I think. I find it becomes very easy to sort of yet days slip by without accomplishing much. As I've grown older I have developed a sort of urge to do something. If I feel like I'm not doing something productive, it really bothers me. I hate wasting a weekend getting nothing done. To stay on track, having goals keeps me focused towards something. It gives my everyday life some meaning.
How does this relate to my knitting? Well, having a plan allows me to move from project to project without much downtime. As soon as I finish a project, I already have the yarn and pattern ready to go for the next one. My hope is that this method will keep me from straying from my stash yarn to new delicious yarns (spoiler alert, this is my main goal this year).
My Knitting Goals for 2017:
- Knit 12 pairs of socks (#boxosoxKAL2017)
- Knit perfect fitting socks
- Complete the highest level of the Q1, Q3, and Q4 KALS of the Yarnathon
- Knit entirely from stash
- Only buy new yarn with store credit
- Finish the pixelated pullover I half frogged a few years ago
- Toss or donate old/undesirable yarn (possibly sell/trade on rav)
- Post on this knitting blog once a week minimum
- Organize yarn and group skeins with patterns
To elaborate, my biggest goal is to knit from my stash. I'm trying my hardest to save up money this year to buy a house. Last year I might have gotten a teeny bit out of control buying yarn. Iwas buying yarn every month! And as tempting as brand new skeins are, I really really need to back off on the buying. I was fortunate enough to receive some store credit to Eat. Sleep. Knit (my favorite online yarn store) for Christmas. I will be slowly chipping away at it. As much as it pains me, I shall resist the yarn-y temptations!
And in all honesty, I think I will really benefit from stash knitting. I probably have some yarn I've completely forgotten about. I think it will challenge me to be more creative and really work with what I've got. It is so easy to overlook yarn buried in piles and stashed in drawers in favor of a pretty new one. The best part: if I can make this happen, I'll have room for more yarn next year plus a whole pile of beautiful hand knits!
I'm really excited for this year and everything that it will bring me. My life has been moving so quickly in the last year, yet so, so slowly in some ways. I finished school and found a job, bought a car, and now I'm looking to purchase my first home! And I will be knitting all the while. Feel free to join me on my knitty adventure~!
~Happy knitting~
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Ravelry: Deedo
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Twitter: boop5000
Instagram: vknits
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